Christmas Shopping is Done!


Those of you who know me will probably be aware that I usually leave everything to the last possible moment. That includes Christmas shopping. What else is Christmas Eve for anyway? 😛

This year, however, I’ve become a new man. It’s three days to Christmas and all my shopping is done! Huge success! I even bought really good presents this year. I’d saved up a bit of money and figured that I might as well spend it all on presents. I’ve gotten used to being totally broke this year. And being slightly in debt. Why should Christmas be any different?! I have teaching practice in January anyway, which roughly translates to massive savings due to lack of social life. Win/win!

So this is my message to you: if you haven’t got all your Christmas shopping done, go out and do it! NOW! You have no excuse.

Actually, I still have to get one of my granddads a present. Making this whole post a lie. GODDANGIT!! I’m a terrible person.

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