1000 Gamerscore in Skyrim: Achievement Tips

Today I finally got 1000 gamerscore in Skyrim. BAM! This is the first game I’ve ever gotten all the achievements for and I’m feeling rather proud. So, I’ve decided to write this post – under the guise of offering you a few tips for the trickiest achievements – as an excuse to brag 😉 I’m a terrible person!

Most of the achievements in Skyrim are fairly easy to get; you just have to spend time doing the quests to get them. There’s a couple of ones that are a bit tricky though, and there are a few things you can do to make the process much less arduous and painful. Here’s some of my tips for doing them: Continue reading

Backseat Game Designer: Crime in Skyrim

In my post yesterday on “5 Things I Don’t Like About Skyrim” I listed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim‘s crime system as the main area where I think improvements need to be made in The Elder Scrolls formula. In this post I aim to explain how the current system works, to explain what’s wrong with that system, and to suggest some possible alternatives that I think would be much better than what we have at the moment. Continue reading